Lower Thames Crossing - What's next

News on our planning application is expected in June

The Secretary of State for Transport is expected to make a decision on whether to grant the Lower Thames Crossing a Development Consent Order by 20 June 2024.  

To get permission to build and operate the Lower Thames Crossing, we must seek consent through a special planning process and be awarded a Development Consent Order (DCO).  

Over the last few years we have carried out a huge programme of consultation that has improved the project. We submitted our Development Consent Order application to the government's independent planning authority, the Planning Inspectorate, in October 2022 and from June to December 2023 it was examined by a panel of five planning inspectors known as the Examining Authority.

The Examining Authority submitted a recommendation report to the Secretary of State for Transport on 20 March 2024, and the statutory decision period, which lasts 3 months, ends on 20th June. The government will either make a decision on or before that date or provide an update on the decision.

Find out more about the Development Consent Order process.

Our delivery team is ready

In 2023 we completed the team that will build the Lower Thames Crossing.  

We brought them onboard early so they have as much time as possible to collaborate and carry out the detailed design work that will look to reduce the impact of our work on your community and the environment. They are also helping us embed innovative low carbon technologies and materials, and make sure that local people and businesses have a chance to work on the project.

Our delivery partners have been brought onboard because they share our ambition to build the greenest road ever in the UK and our passion for creating opportunities for the local community.  

Meet our delivery partners.

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Lower Thames Crossing - What's next