What we’re doing on site this Summer

What we’re doing on site this Summer

12 June 2019

We will be conducting ground investigation surveys in the coming months along the proposed route for the A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down (Stonehenge) scheme, with most of the work taking place in the western part of the scheme.

You may wonder what exactly is happening, especially if you spot us working alongside the A303. To help, we’ve put together a Q&A we hope you find useful. If you want to know more, please get in touch, our contact details are at the bottom of this page.

What are ground investigation surveys?

Ground investigation (known as GI) surveys are carried out to understand the geology of the ground along the route of any road construction scheme.

What’s involved?

We will be drilling a number of boreholes, and digging shallow trial pits at various locations including along the western approach to the tunnel and where new bridges are proposed.

Before starting any work, we will be carrying out careful archaeological surveys at each location to ensure we avoid any risk of damage.

Most of the survey locations will be near the current A303 and none of the work will be carried out close to residential properties.

Why are you doing these surveys now?

We’ve already conducted surveys over the past couple of years which has helped us draw up the preliminary design of the scheme. This is currently being examined as part of the planning or “Development Consent Order” process.

To ensure we can start construction on schedule in 2021 (if the scheme gets the go-ahead) we need to start looking for a main works contractor at the end of this year. As part of this tender process, we need to gather more in-depth information about the ground and water conditions so that construction companies have a complete picture when they bid to design and build the scheme.

Will the work disturb the Summer solstice?

No. We fully understand the importance of the Summer solstice and will pause our activity the day before (Thursday 20 June) to avoid any disruption to this event. We will recommence works on Monday 24 June.

Will there be any road closures on the A303?

There are no planned road closures and drivers should expect no disruption from our survey activity.

Get in Touch:

By email: A303Stonehenge@highwaysengland.co.uk

By Phone: 0330 123 5000

Follow us:

Twitter: @A303Stonehenge

